One of the most prominent authors of New Age music in the USA of the last 20 years, Shastro has so far published under his name more than 18 albums many of which have won different awards.
He lived for several years in India with his master – Osho – where he had the opportunity to deepen his approach to meditation and to music. Later on he moved to the USA (Hawaii) where he created his music label – Malimba Records – that distributes worldwide music for meditation, Yoga, Tantra, Reiki and the healing arts.
Shastro is very passionate about offering his own understanding of what meditation can be and how to apply it to our everyday life.
Based on his 40 years of meditation practice, his teaching is not rooted in a specific technique or tradition but rather in the ever-unfolding moment and how it is experienced in the inner space.
Morning Mindfulness sessions:
Shastroʼs meditation sessions are usually divided into two parts:
In the first one, he shares his understanding of what meditation is and he often invites people to ask questions or share their experiences, making it a lively and ʼtailoredʼ session for the participants.
The second part is mostly in silence interspersed with gentle suggestions, guiding the practitioners into maintaining their attention in the present moment and encouraging them to witness all that arises within consciousness.
At times he also uses walking as a way to bring practitioners to experience a sense of meditation in movement.
Doorway to Silence (Live Music Meditation):
In this meditation we use the sense of hearing as our entry doorway. When we listen attentively the traffic in our heads naturally stops because consciousness, engaged in the sensorial perception, is removed from the thinking process.
Through music – and all the surrounding sounds – alternating with periods of meditative silence, we will be able to be more present to the Now and perceive the inner space – that is alive and beyond time – in which everything happens.
Singing Circle with Shastro (mantras and songs):
Singing together is one of the most ancient but also forgotten ways to feel the One Heart that connects us all.
When we unite our voices, we start vibrating on the same frequency, bringing us to feel all connected to each other. This helps our joy for life to come to the surface to be expressed and experienced.